Hedera Hashgraph Proposes Investors To Delay The Distribution Of HBAR Tokens

The developers of the Hedera Hashgraph platform have suggested that their investors postpone the execution of SAFT contracts to stabilize the price. In return, they will receive more HBAR tokens than was stipulated by these contracts.
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SAFT is an investment contract that is developed following the requirements of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SAFT (simple agreement for future tokens) contracts allow their holders to receive project tokens when it is fully ready for work.

The developers promise to distribute among investors 10% of the company's annual income. Note that this is only a proposal, not a prerequisite. For investors who refuse to sign a new agreement, the terms of the current SAFT contracts will apply.

Hedera suggests that thanks to the new agreement, they will be able to increase the token distribution period by 25%. For example, investors who initially agreed to receive HBAR tokens during the 48-month distribution period will have to wait an additional 12 months.

The Hedera Hashgraph platform is based on the distributed ledger, which relies on an acyclic graph and uses the Gossip protocol. Unlike blockchain, which can be represented as a chain of blocks with a strict sequence of links, Hashgraph has a branched structure, devoid of consecutive loops. Information can be transmitted to the same end node in different ways.

In September, the platform developers launched a public network, to which anyone could join. At the same time, the distribution of HBAR tokens began, the first batch of which was received by investors who took part in the crowdsale - in 2018, the platform raised $ 124 million.

After the first distribution, the value of platform tokens fell by more than 90%. In response to this, the developers decided to revise the economic model of the project. They believe that distributing tokens on a quarterly, rather than a monthly basis, will be able to ease the pressure from sellers. HBAR tokens are currently trading for $ 0.015298.

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